Monday, June 28, 2010

YPI: 2 Days Away!

I was praying this morning for my trip to Brazil. As I neared the end of my prayer, I was soaking in the presence of the Lord. He began to show me an army of large angels boarding onto planes that were headed straight for Brazil! Then I saw the angels lined up in Brazilian worship services and they were are holding weapons. So many times when we hear about angels with weapons, they are holding swords. But this was a modern army of angels and they had very large guns that took two hands to operate. They were very similar to grenade launchers.

One angel would point the gun towards someone and shoot. It shot a new ear! It wasn't fast like a bullet, but it gently went towards the recipient and gave them a creative miracle. Another angel shot new legs at a cripple in a wheelchair who stood up immediately and began worshipping and dancing. Another angel shot out a new heart for an old man. This wasn't just a young heart, it was brand new, fresh off of the assembly line!

I knew the Lord was telling me to expect these and other miracles. We are praying for healing but we'll also see creative miracles and other things we can't possibly expect because these are things that have never been seen before!

I then saw angels shooting a kind of gel out at some people. When it hit the person, it would cover them from head to toe and completely engulf them. I knew that sometimes it was the peace of the Lord and other times it was His love. The point of all of these miracles are to show His love. Mais amor! Mais pas!

I can't wait until just a few days from now, I'll be writing these same miracles down again. When I do, it will be because of testimonies and not because of prophecies. Let it be, Lord. Vem Espirito Santo!

Monday, June 14, 2010

I had a chance to see the Sistine Chapel in person a few years back. I remember learning about it in school, how great it is, how long it took Michelangelo to paint, all of that great stuff. But was it really that impressive? In the Vatican's Art Museum, every door has a sign that read, "This way to the Sistine Chapel". It got old after a while. You think that it's right around the corner, but it's not. You have to go through a very large and extensive collection of art before reaching the chapel. And the art is quite exquisite. You see thousands of pieces of beautiful paintings, sculptures and ceilings. There were plenty of other amazing ceilings that I kept thinking, "Is the Sistine Chapel really so much better? What makes it so special?" I really wasn't expecting much.

As I neared the chapel, I was tired of seeing continuous pieces of art and I was getting kind of bored. I walked in the room and saw hundreds of people staring straight up with their mouths gaped open. I finally looked up and I mirrored every other person in that room. I was stunned at the beauty and vastness of what was before me. It wasn't just the ceiling that was beautiful, but the entire room was a painting! It was so beautiful. I could have stayed there for hours. Every piece of the the ceiling and walls were different Bible stories. But at the center was the most famous part of the chapel.

Adam, who is a representation of Man, seems bothered to even be looking at the Father. His entire body is facing away from God. His hand is barely outstretched towards the Lover of his soul. The Father is nearly falling off of His cloud to reach His beloved. If Adam simply raises his finger, he would be in contact with the Everlasting. But he is not impressed and doesn't seem to care.

It is a heartbreaking picture of man, and a beautiful representation of the Father's love. Not that I have achieved perfection, but I no longer feel like Adam. I want the Lord. I know He wants me more than I want Him, but there is nothing that makes me want to turn my head away from Him.

Psalm 73:25 Whom have I in heaven but You? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.

Recently, I have been learning the heartache that so many pastors feel. I have seen people I dearly love just not get the whole picture of the Father's love. I have been ministering to a lot of Adam's. I don't know what to do except to love them. I cannot change them. I leave conviction of sin and revelation to the Holy Spirit. I'm not trying to change them. I know that is fruitless. All I can do is love them and encourage them. There are times I need to be firm, but only when love is behind it.

God's love is furious. I have been praying that I would have His heart for people. I grew up as a bully and always making fun of people who were different. These thoughts still haunt me. Even if I don't act on it, I instantly see the different in people. I have been praying that God would help me see His heart in others before seeing anything else. He has been answering that prayer.....and it's breaking my heart.